

Housing Search Tips

  1. Government Housing Search websites
    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  2. Brokers
    Contact real estate offices in the area in which you would like to live; they will match your needs with what they have. They often include pictures of apartments on their website. However, before deciding to work with them, you should first ask them if they charge extra fees, such as broker fees and credit history fees.
  3. Your Network
    Many people look for their housing through friends, family, and co-workers. It helps if you tell people around you that you are looking for an apartment.
  4. Newspapers
    Most newspapers such as the New York Times, the Village Voice, the Daily News, and Newsday have a “classified” section with advertisements posted by roommate seekers and apartment owners. These advertisements are also in the online newspapers.
  5. Walking Around
    If you find a sign saying “For Rent”, take down the contact information and call to inquire about any availability.
  6. Housing Office
    If you are a student, the housing office at your college or university may have information regarding your housing options.
  7. Public Housing
    When you are not in a rush to move, you can also apply to the waiting list for public housing. When something is available, they will contact you. For more information, please visit “Public Housing” on our website.

Click to copy link[ Last Updated: December, 2018 ]


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