Hotline Hotline
212 442-1541 - Ext# 1  

Mon – Fri, 10am to 5pm
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Hotline Hotline
212 442-1541 Ext. 1
Mon – Fri, 10am to 5pm
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JASSI Services

JASSI provides social services through four programs: Hotline Program, Senior Program, Caregiver Support Program, and Community Outreach Program. Additionally, JASSI Supporters intermittently organize and hold fundraising events (seminars). From time to time we also facilitate offer helpful services such as Free Cancer Screening or Senior Assurance Call.

JASSI Services

Our Core Programs

Click to copy link Hotline Program

JASSI’s Hotline offers information and referrals to appropriate agencies in areas such as those listed below. The Hotline services also provide crisis intervention, case management, and advocacy as needed. The average number of calls is 220 per month.

  • Visa/Immigration-related issues (*We do not provide legal advice. We refer to other agencies as appropriate.)
  • Low-income issues (e.g., public benefits and entitlements)
  • Consumer-and money-related issues
  • Health-related issues (e.g., health insurance)
  • Legal issues (*We do not provide legal advice. We refer to other agencies as appropriate.)
  • Labor issues (e.g., unemployment insurance)
  • Family issues (e.g., DV)
  • Housing-related issues (e.g., problems with landlord)
  • Disaster-related issues
  • Disability issues
  • Others

Click to copy link Senior Program

JASSI provides the following services for seniors 60 years old and over.

  • Case Assistance
  • Information and referral services
  • Step-by-step assistance with paperwork and applications for public benefits & entitlements
  • Interpretive services
  • Education
  • Direct communication on behalf of Senior Program members with governmental and/or community agencies and programs
  • Cultural and Educational Events (e.g., seminars, outings, luncheon, cultural gathering)
  • Friendly Visits (JASSI volunteers visit home-bound vulnerable seniors and seniors in nursing homes)
  • Hospital Escort Services (JASSI volunteers ensure seniors to go to hospitals and clinics for doctor’s appointments)
  • Free cultural tickets distribution
  • Monthly Senior Newsletters (JASSI provides both paper newsletters and E-newsletters with senior-related useful information)

If you are interested in signing up for our Senior Program, please go to Join Us page.

Click to copy link Caregiver Support Program

We provide services to those who care for people over 60 years old.

  • Intensive Case Management
  • Supportive Counseling
  • Respite Care
  • Supplemental Services
  • Support Groups

Click to copy link Community Outreach Program

JASSI’s Community Outreach Program hosts seminars and workshops for Japanese-speaking individuals in the NYC area, and more.

We provide the following services:

  • Seminars and Workshops (some of what JASSI held in the past)
    • Seminar “ObamaCare and Health Insurance Marketplace”
    • Applying for Citizenship Workshop
    • Renewal of Green Card
    • Health Insurance from New York State Workshop     – Divorce Workshop
  • Publication of Newsletters
    • Distributes bilingual newsletters twice a year
    • Distributes e-newsletters to general public as needed
    • Distributes senior newsletter as needed
    • Distributes monthly senior e-newsletters
    • Publication of Articles on community newspapers
      • YOMITIME series Kakekomidera Nikki
      • NY Keizai Biz ObamaCare
      • “Desumasu-Cho” published by U.S. Japan Publication, New York
  • Public Education through Media
    • Explained about the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act on Fujisankei Communications International (FCI)
    • Explained about “How to Chose a Health Plan for You and Your Family” on Fujisankei Communications International (FCI)
  • Useful Information on JASSI’s website including Visa, Health Insurance, Housing, Public Benefit, Disability, Seniors, Consumers, Family, Legal, and others.
  • Events
    • Free Mammogram Screening for Eligible Women with Scan Van
    • Fundraising Party with other NPOs (BTTF & KCS)

Click to copy link Fundraising Seminars and Events

JASSI Supporters organize the seminars, and volunteer speakers present informative content using their specialization.

The seminar fees are donated to JASSI to help fund operational income.

JASSI also organizes an annual fundraising benefit dinner.

Other Services

Click to copy link Senior Assurance Call

JASSI provides regular phone calls to older people who live alone and have health concerns, to ask how they are doing. A JASSI volunteer will make a call of up to five minutes at a prearranged time. If you are interested in this service, please take advantage of it.

People aged 60 and over who live alone and have difficulty getting out of the house or have health concerns.

How to apply:
Cntact us by phone or email.

Telephone:  212-442-1541

Registration with the JASSI Older Persons Program is required. If you are not registered, please let us know when you contact us.

[ Volunteers needed for phone calls! ]
We are looking for people who are willing to make calls to older people. This involves making one to five five-minute calls a week (mainly in the morning) at your convenience, from a location of your choice You will need to register as a JASSI volunteer. If you have any questions, please contact us at the same phone number or email address as above.

Click to copy link Free Cancer Screening

JASSI will continue to accept appointments for a clinical breast exam and a pap smear/pelvic exam* for uninsured women who are 40 and older, living in NYC (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Bronx).

If you are interested in receiving cancer screening, please contact JASSI at 212-442-1541 ext.1 or send email to along with the following information.

[Your Information]

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Mailing Address
  • Phone Number
  • Date(s)/year(s), place(s) & results of last clinical breast exam, mammography, pap smear, stool test and/or colonoscopy
  • Family history of breast, cervical or colon cancer
  • Preferred Screening Date
  • Health Insurance status

Some further details:

  1. Cancer Service Program Queens (Queens residents only)
    The exams are conducted at Jackson Heights Family Health Center every Thursday at 1 pm. After the clinical breast exam, a mammogram is conducted on a different day at New York Hospital Queens. The FIT and colonoscopy are done as needed.

*You do not need to do pap test if you did it in the past 3 years and got negative (good result). If you have done pap with HPV test and got negative, you do not need to do it for five years. Yet, you can make appointment for breast exam that needs to be done every year.

If you have health coverage, you will have to use your insurance.

Click to copy link Health Insurance Marketplace

If you qualify for Public Health Insurance Programs or Special Enrollment Period, you may be able to enroll in health coverage. Please go to your state Marketplace website if applicable, or go to HealthCare.Gov and select your state. If you need assistance in enrolling/renewing health coverage in New York State, please contact us so our Certified Application Counselor may be able to assist you!


Ways to Give

Please Support JASSI
Guidestar JASSI certification

JASSI has earned the Gold Seal for our transparency from Guidestar, the world's largest database of nonprofits. More on

Guidestar JASSI website