

Fraud Warning: Beware of Internet Fraud and ID Theft!

The government uses only “.gov” domain, not “.com” or “.org”. If you suspect a scam, please report it to the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-382-4357 or If you believe that you were defaulted, please report it to or The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

  1. Green Card Renewal
  2. Green Card Through Family
  3. Green Card Through a Job
  4. International Travel as a Permanent Resident Over a Year
  5. Change of Address
  6. Change of Name
  7. Remove Conditions on Permanent Residence Based on Marriage
  8. Replace a Green Card
  9. Work Authorization
  10. Citizenship
  11. Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status
  12. Public Charge

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